Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One year house-aversary.

This saturday it will be one year that I have been a homeowner! Its so hard to believe, this year has flown by. Its fun to think back to this time last year- I was so ready for the house to finally be mine. And i was probably freaking out. or crying. and super overwhelmed.
HA. kidding. no but seriously...

I decided to buy because it made sense- and I wanted to be living in the area/neighborhood where I was doing ministry.

Anyway, its funny to look back and see how the Lord has used this house in the past year to remind me of his faithfulness and blessings. God is good. In the midst of whatever you are going through, know that God is good.

Some of my favorite memories of this house include:

Sweet sweet friends who spent hours and hours over here ripping out paneling, painting, doing yard work, laughing alot.

The night we turned the heater on for the first time and the electrical panel box started smoking. Ashlee and I freaked out. called every guy friend we knew. called my dad at 1am his time, and then decided against calling the fire department, just turned the heater off for the night and of course made a fire evacuation plan before we went to bed (meet at the mailbox, DUH)

Sweet Joe Berry spending hours with me trying to snake the pipe underneath the air conditioning. Me crying and cussing and sweating alot.

When my parents came for a week and painted and laughed and we ate on the patio every afternoon, and dad made craig mcmuffins every morning. And we had never been so tired in our lives.

Sharing-laughing-rejoicing-mourning-living life with Ashlee and Christy

Friends over- fires in the fireplace

Highschool kids coming over here to learn about Jesus

Problems that arose in my first year living here:
backed up pipes
smoking electrical panel
broken dishwasher

Things that need to happen this year:

More parties. Im thinking dance party, or white trash bash. (maybe for christy's bday this year)
More smooching on the makeout couch (inside joke)

With all this said, im still glad that I own a house. Thanks to all the friends who walked beside me as I freaked out in the buying process and owning process. :)

And thanks to Jesus for always providing and always being faithful.

I ultimately hope that the Lord continues to use this house for His good in the years to come.

1 comment:

  1. love this, kate! what a beautiful picture of the discipline of remembrance of God's goodness and love! i will be praying for more making out for you girls on the make out couch. :)
