Sunday, December 6, 2009

Two year olds...

This year I have started serving in my church by watching 2 year olds in one of the services. I originally wasn't sure where I wanted to serve, and had thought about helping out in the youth group...but decided in the end that small kiddos might be fun. And a break from big kiddos might be good for me. And fun they have been. Entertaining and good for my soul.

What I love most about 2 year olds is that they need you. Their needs are basic- but sometimes in life, it feels so good to feel/be needed. Two year olds need you for hugs. They need you for comfort. they need you for love. for food. for clean diapers. And it feels so good for life to be so simple.

Are there sundays when I leave church thinking, im so glad I don't have a 2 year old? yes.

And then there are sundays like today, when I am overwhelmed by the pull of my heart when a sweet 2 year old boy wants to sit in my lap all service and play with trucks and hold my hand? YES.

I hope I one day get my very own to love and care for.
Isn't it funny that we tend to serve because we think we are doing good for others, when typically for me, serving brings me life and joy.

1 comment:

  1. right there with your desires. your two year old is in your future - of course. so is mine! tee hee!
